1. LESSEE to provide an updated corporate profile and business license. LESSEE also to provide a product specification sheet and supplier/refinery/exporter details in full OR a refinery commitment letter,
2. LESSOR will send over a lease agreement and applicable invoice, which shows a commitment to pay within a stipulated time.
3. LESSEE to sign back lease agreement and invoice, confirming his/her commitment to the transaction.
4. Then LESSEE to pay immediately, as per the signed commercial invoice.
5. Once payment has been made, an official bank transfer slip/receipt to be sent to the LESSOR by the LESSEE confirming the receipt of the Storage fees.
6. On receipt of payment to LESSOR’S account, within 48 business hours a TSR & Tank numbers be provided to the LESSEE by the LESSOR after receiving the NOR from the seller/refinery and injection schedule.
7. LESSOR to open communication with LESSEE’S supplier’ refinery/exporter and create an injection schedule.
8. Upon Completion of the reception of the Petroleum Product (FIRST SPLASH) from the pipeline/vessel into the Tanks. The Number of Days LESSEE Company paid for start counting as days use for the storage of the Petroleum product.
9. LESSEE Company provide their Inspection Team for Dip Test Inspection Confirmation for Quality & Quantity of the petroleum product received from the pipeline system into the Tanks and lift the petroleum product from the Tank anytime during the Validity of the days LESSEE Company paid for.